Czech Republic

Comparative Research on Transferable Competences

The paper on Transferable Competences presents the results of comparative research between the Czech Republic and the Netherlands.

The subject of the research was the degree of student satisfaction with the acquired transferable competences and the subjective students’ view of the degree to which transferable competences are significant for the employability of an individual at the job market. With the use of statistical methods (the Non-parametrical U-test of Mann and Whitney, the Chi-square Goodness-of-Fit Test), following conclusions are drawn. The empirical research has proved on the explored sample that: (1) there are significant differences between the respondents of both countries in the individual level of satisfaction with transferable competences; but (2) there are not significant differences between the transferable competences themselves of both countries expressing the level of students’ satisfaction with them. Moreover, the research has proved that: (3) there are significant differences among the transferable competences themselves of both countries (CZ and NL) expressing the level of satisfaction that the students attribute to them; (4) in the Czech Republic, the following competences are perceived as absolutely necessary: communication in the mother tongue, work with digital technologies, sense of responsibility; whereas (5) in the Netherlands communication in the mother tongue is perceived as absolutely necessary and communication in foreign languages, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, teamwork are viewed as important competences.

(Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(1): 109-121, 2016; DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.040114)

Lucie Smekalova1, Jan-Willem Noom2, Milan Slavik1 
1) Institute of Education and Communication, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic 
2) Stoas Wageningen I Vilentum University of Applied Science, Netherlands 
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