Nigeria: Capacity Building of Lecturers of 2 universities (University of Ibadan and Kwara State University (KSU) in Malete) and Federal College of Agriculture (FCA)

Development of the Dairy Value Chain in Nigeria through enhanced capacity of lecturers of these institutions

Through this TMT there will a capacity building among lecturers and trainers of the KSU and FCA to develop/modernise curricula related to dairy. This will result in better educated students and rural communities in the involved area of the polytechnic institute. The TMT will address the following capacity constraints:


  • Dairy Farm management, small holder as well as large scale farms;
  • Dairy Farm Economics, farms records, management and entrepreneurship
  • Dairy Value Chain analysis and development of improvements plans;
  • Milk quality control systems, quality based milk payment
  • Milk storage, transport and processing
  • Competence Based Learning principles

Expected results:

The existing curricula in dairy farm management/development of dairy chains of the Dairy Sciences Department of the KSAP will be re-designed and brought in line with CBL principles.