Towards gender sensitive agribusiness driven poultry and dairy vocational education in Indonesia

In this project the poultry and dairy TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) programs in SMK's will become gender sensitive, agribusiness driven and certified on the basis of the three CO's (consultation, co-education and co-entrepreneurship) hence authorities, companies and educators working together in curricula formulation, certification, implementation and evaluation.

In order to achieve this, the proposed project approach has the following eight main characteristics:

  1. focus on a specific agricultural sub-sector (animal production);
  2. triple helix;
  3. Building on existing pool of well-trained Polytechnic teachers that will train teachers;
  4. introduction of innovative, e-learning;
  5. strengthening management and leadership;
  6. involvement of six SMK LSP centres for learners and the national LSP training centre for teachers;
  7. co-education facilitation;
  8. rollout to a larger group of SMK’s. 


Long term impact:

  • reduce malnutrition;
  • promote agricultural growth;
  • ecologically sustainable food systems.

Outcome of project:
In this project the poultry and dairy vocational programs in SMK’'will become gender sensitive, agribusiness driven and certified on the basis of the three CO's, hence authorities, companies and educators working together in curricula formulation, certification, implementation and evaluation.


Output area 1:
Establishing and sustaining a national Triple Helix Advisory platform that steers the process of agribusiness driven poultry and dairy programs during and (possibly) after the project.

Output area 2:
Formulating and certifying gender-sensitive poultry and dairy educational programs (curricula/OJT practical-work based), based on agricultural professions that respond to the needs of agribusiness and training/certifying of staff and leadership.

Output area 3:
Disseminating and sustaining project achievements and lessons learned through the system of Master teachers training other teachers (ToT), by selecting more SMK's, and the continuous work of the Triple Helix Advisory platform.


The educational institutes selected by this project are Indonesian educational institutes that provide TVET in the agriculture and food sector, more specifically the poultry and dairy subsectors: six SMK's with LSP centers for certification of its learners (Java).


  • SV-IPB Bogor
  • 6 SMK's: Kuningan, Subang, Garut, Lembang, Cibadak, Bawen
  • 4 Polytechnics: Mapena, Malang, Hokseumawe, Indramayu
