Joep Houterman and Taco Medema are visiting Bulgaria_2

Joep Houterman and Taco Medema are visiting Bulgaria


Joep Houterman and Taco Medema have visited the University of Food Technology in Plovdiv, Bulgaria for a new partnership with Aeres University of Applied Scienes Almere.

Considering the specialty of the university, we would like to cooperate for our our 1 year program: “Food Safety Management”. Hopefully in the future we will be able to exchange more students. Joep and Taco were able to see the Food Safety facilities, such as the laboratory. They were fortunate to also have a taste of the local Bulgarian yoghurt.

The contact with the University of Food Technology started through our current cooperation with Food Chains 4 EU, with which our partner in Piacenza, Italy is also cooperating.

More information about Food Chains 4 EU: