Aeres scoops prizes in Essay Challenge


Groen Kennisnet organiseerde in samenwerking met het Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit de Essay Challenge. Studenten van Aeres Hogeschool en Aeres MBO deden mee aan deze challenge. De wedstrijd bestond uit vier vraagstukken: ‘Nieuwe verdienmodellen voor een duurzame landbouw’, ‘Duurzame gewasbescherming’, ‘Duurzame eiwitvoorziening’ en ‘Duurzame veehouderij’.

Participants wrote a convincing essay on one of the four topics, setting out their ideas and, of course, the solution to the chosen issue. On Wednesday 17 April, ten participants for each topic had the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a Jury in The Hague.

Aeres students won sixteen prizes in total, and won the first prize for every topic. We’re very proud!


Aeres prizewinners

Sustainable protein transition

● 1st prize: Paulina Cherabie – Aeres University of Applied Sciences

Essay: Supplementation: A Practical Step Towards Sustainable Protein

● 5th prize: Rosalie Mellema, Susanne de Rapper, Dorien Ribbers – Aeres University of Applied Sciences

Essay: The protein revolution: insects are the new meat. A small ecological impact, but with a high nutritional value.

● 7th prize: Gerrit Baan, Janine v.d. Belt – Aeres University of Applied Sciences

Essay: Higher utilisation of own protein

● 8th prize: Maxime van Zandbrink, Tess van der Mijn and Xynthia Langeberg – Aeres MBO

Essay: A healthy and sustainable future


Sustainable crop protection

● 1st prize: Patrick van der Meulen – Aeres University of Applied Sciences

Essay: An optimal balance of life is a joint effort!

● 3rd prize: Marian Toren – Aeres University of Applied Sciences

Essay: Mechanical haulm destruction in potato cultivation


Sustainable livestock farming

● 1st prize: Andreas Wiersma – Aeres MBO

Essay: From milk to mlk

● 3rd prize: Daan Lieftink, David Vermeulen and Jelle Kuhlman – Aeres MBO

Essay: Sustainable livestock farming

● 4th prize: Koen Verbeek – Aeres University of Applied Sciences

Essay: Use of natural animal fertilisers

● 6th prize: Jorik van Westerlaak and Wilco Stijf – Aeres MBO

Essay: Livestock emissions

● 7th prize: Folkert Flapper – Aeres University of Applied Sciences

Essay: A 100% sustainable dairy farm

● 9th prize: Ilse Methorst and Arianne de Kieviet – Aeres MBO

Essay: Less and less oxygen thanks to trees being cut down! We're going to do something about it!


New revenue models for sustainable agriculture

● 1st prize: Fiona Engelhardt – Aeres University of Applied Sciences

Essay: Sharing is caring

● 2nd prize: Moritz Huber – Aeres University of Applied Sciences

Essay: Biodynamic Agriculture as a new Business Model for Sustainable Agriculture in the Future on the Farm

● 8th prize: Jasper Koopmans – Aeres MBO

Essay: Using seawater for the agricultural industry or for other industries in the world.

● 9th prize: Koen Klomp – Aeres MBO

Essay: New agricultural revenue model