Launch of the Kukua na Kuku Impact Cluster in Tanzania


From the 5th to the 9th of May 2019 the members of the Kukua na Kuku Cluster travelled to Moshi, Tanzania, to officially launch their cluster. The launch took place on Tuesday the 7th of May and compromised a morning programme to which officials from both the Tanzanian and the Dutch government were invited, as well as other partners or local stakeholders.

The aim of this cluster is to enhance capacity building throughout the value chain in order to improve the efficiency and quality of production and to increase the demand for poultry products. In doing so, the cluster’s activities will co-create a thriving and competitive poultry sector in Tanzania. The means to accomplish this is to demonstrate their solutions and share knowledge in a training facility in Moshi, Tanzania. A training farm for both broilers and layers, both with a capacity of 2500 birds will be set up in cooperation with our local partner, Kilacha Agriculture and Livestock Training Institute (KALTI). In addition to training staff to manage these farms, the cluster is going to provide training to veterinarians, farmers and other trainers. For this purpose, tailor-made curricula and manuals will be developed. Next to technical and farm management issues, close attention will be paid to food safety and animal health aspects.

During the launch event, Her Excellency Irene Kasyanju (Tanzanian Ambassador to the Netherlands) and Lianne Houben (Deputy Ambassador of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tanzania) addressed the audience and laid out their relation to the cluster, its importance and the partnership between the Netherlands and Tanzania. After this official address, the cluster companies were introduced by Mackenzie Masaki, NABC, who each gave a short presentation and explained their reason for joining this cluster. Hereafter, the regional commissioner, Mama Anna Mgwira, officiated the official signing session. All of the parties involved signed the commemorative poster, laying down their commitment to this cluster’s goals and objectives. Ingrid Korving (Agricultural Counsellor for Tanzania & Kenya), Theo Mutabingwa (Agricultural Officer EKN Tanzania), and of course the Dutch companies part of the cluster attended the event. The companies are; Hendrix Genetics (Peter Arts), I Grow Chicken/EBIT+ (Eric Mooiweer), Impex (Danny Kracht), Koudijs (Johan Verhoek), and Vencomatic  (Peter-Bart Lichtenbeld). Unfortunately, two of the companies in the cluster, GD Animal Health and AERES, were unable to attend. However, Aeres, will be travelling to Moshi in June to conduct a baseline study and start building the curriculum.


Overall, we look back at a great event and we are very grateful to the cluster companies, the Dutch embassy, RVO and all other parties involved in this cluster. We are excited to work together for the next three year and make this collaboration successful!

If you want to know more about the Kukua na Kuku Cluster you can download the flyer here.